Our Legacy
Past Productions
The Comedians
Princeton Entertainment created, produced, and toured The Comedians, a group of legendary comedians that changed the face of humor in America. Featuring Shelley Berman, Bill Dana, Professor Irwin Corey, Dick Gregory, Mort Sahl, and hosted by Dick Cavett, The Comedians created and redefined “standup comedy” and television situation comedy, bringing political, social, racial, sex, drugs and rock and roll, free form and satire, into the household and on the stage as never before.
They blew away the boundaries as they manipulated popular culture, rearranged male and female relationships, mimicked and challenged the political icons and improvised on every subject that any one of them could think of. All for the love of laughter American style. There has never been an event, either live or on television or film, that has brought together a more distinguished group of purely American comedy creators and visionaries.